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EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)

Welcome to Reception

Mrs Hudson & Mrs Bishop

Hart Class


Miss Hill

Donaldson Class


Mrs Merrett & Mrs Dickens

Rosen Class


Home-School Communication

Please do not feel that you need to wait for parents’ evening to discuss any concerns or queries you may have about your child. Our team are committed to ensure that your child reaches their full potential during their time at Copnor. Teachers are always available at the start and end of the day. Alternatively, you can make an appointment to see your child’s teacher or Teaching and Learning Leader through the school office, or send us an email.


EYFS Curriculum

Click on the images below for a larger view and a downloadable pdf version.

Curriculum Map Year 1 Autumn 1

Autumn Term 1

Curriculum Map Year 1 Autumn 2

Autumn Term 2

Curriculum Map Year 1 Spring 1

Spring Term 1

Curriculum Map Year 1 Spring 2

Spring Term 2

Curriculum Map Year 1 Spring 1

Summer Term 1

Curriculum Map Year 1 Spring 1

Summer Term 2

Reception follow the DfE statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, which from September 2012 became mandatory for all schools.

What to Expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Prime Areas of Learning

End of year expectations for Reception children

50 Things To do Before You’re 5

Make an Enquiry