At Copnor Primary School, we aim to provide the children with a curriculum which is well balanced, ambitious and above all, stimulates the children to learn.
We promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and seek to prepare them for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. Through a positive and caring environment, we provide the opportunity for every child to reach their full potential in all areas of the curriculum.
The curriculum taught at our school includes all the statutory National Curriculum requirements and many additional areas. These requirements have been written into our school’s detailed schemes and policies of work for each curriculum area.
More information about the National Curriculum can be found by clicking on the link below:
The compulsory subjects under the new National Curriculum are as follows:
English, Mathematics, Science, Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, Languages, Geography, History, Music and Physical Education.
The teaching of Religious Education is statutory in all schools and here at Copnor, we follow the Hampshire Agreed Syllabus. English and Maths teaching are a fundamental part of each day here at Copnor and teachers seek to make as many cross curricular links as possible through our knowledge lead thematic curriculum, so that skills taught in these subjects can be applied in a range of contexts.
Our main aims when delivering the curriculum are to:
- Plan and teach to the requirements of the National Curriculum offering children stimulating and challenging experiences, preparing them positively for life in modern Britain and promoting the Fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance, for those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
- Use the National Curriculum framework as an outline of core knowledge, on which to develop exciting and stimulating lessons, promoting the development of children’s knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.
- Inspire children to want to learn, investigate and explore each curriculum area.
- Enable children to develop a respect and tolerance for a diversity of people, religions, social and moral values.
- Equip each child with the necessary skills to become a fluent reader and promote a love of books and reading.
- Teach mathematical skills, knowledge, concepts and develop children’s ability and understanding to apply these effectively across the curriculum.
- Encourage good handwriting, accurate spelling, speaking and listening skills and the correct use of grammar.
- Enable children to acquire scientific and technological skills, knowledge and awareness, so they are well equipped to thrive in an ever changing technological world.
Our curriculum takes on three key principles which we call ‘The Three Is’
Click here to view/download a pdf of The Three Is or you can read them below.
The INTENT of our curriculum is to develop every child’s personal, social and moral integrity whilst providing full coverage of the national curriculum expectations within our unique curriculum. Our curriculum is relevant, meaningful, engaging and ambitious for all of our children. It is based on a highly effective, seven-year journey, building on prior learning. It is purposeful, relevant and aspirational, where language and learning are linked and applied across subjects. It is broad and rich to provide opportunities and experiences beyond the norm to equip and prepare children to live and succeed in an unknown and ever-changing future world.
Teachers and TAs present learning clearly and systematically. They are highly skilled, well trained and enthusiastic. They ensure our curriculum implementation is both well planned and dynamic to allow for unique opportunities as they arise. Reading, Phonics, Writing and Mathematical understanding are the bedrock so children can successfully access other subjects now and as they move through life. Staff have strong subject knowledge due to excellent subject leadership and continual professional development. Our assessment processes ensure that all children are supported and challenged appropriately.
The overall IMPACT of the curriculum is measured by evaluating both the knowledge and skills our children have gained and acquired against the expectations of the national curriculum as well as the personal and social attributes and qualities they have developed with absolute secure readiness for the next stage of their education.
Long Term Curriculum Plans
Click on the year group buttons below to see our long term curriculum overviews for each year group.
If you would like to find out more about our school curriculum, contact us at
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