Every member of staff, supply staff and volunteers has a duty to be vigilant to the indicators of abuse, and to refer concerns to the designated member of staff.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) for Copnor Primary School are:
Mr M Johnson
Mrs S Walker
Deputy DSL
Welfare Officer
In Mr Johnson’s absence, the safeguarding leads are Mrs Walker and Miss Shackelford.
Miss L Shackelford
Deputy DSL
Deputy Headteacher
Child Protection Summary for Temporary Staff, Visitors and Volunteers
What to do if you are worried that a child is being abused or likely to be abused:
Contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead of Copnor Primary School as set out above immediately.
Treat all discussions/notes as confidential.
Before a child will make a disclosure they must feel secure, feel that there is an adult whom they can approach in school and that they will be listened to. Listen to what you are being told, stay with the facts, do not lead the child with questions, only clarification. Never promise not to share information. Be clear that you have to tell someone else in order to keep them safe.
What to do if a disclosure is made to you:
Contact the DSL immediately
Write down or log incident appropriately
- The reason for the concern
- What was said or witnessed
- Dates and Times of incidents
- Date and time when the notes were made
- An indication on the pupil records of further record-keeping
- Pass all to the DSL
If the allegations refer to a member of staff, please contact Mr M Johnson in the first instance. If the allegation refers to the Head Teacher, then contact our Chair of Governors Mrs L Findlay via email
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): email – Telephone 02392 882 500
To report a concern directly please contact the MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) – – Telephone 02392 688 793 – Out of hours 0300 555 1373 An Inter Agency Contact form will need to be completed and sent to the MASH using the email address above.
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