To raise aspirations and life skills through enriching the children’s experiences
Welcome to Copnor Primary School
If you have a question that you cannot find the answer to on our website, please click the button below to visit our “contact us” page where you can find details of how to contact our administration department who will be only too pleased to assist you.
At Copnor Primary our school motto is to ‘Aspire and Achieve’. This is something that we want for all of our pupils and Reception is the start of the journey.
A Warm Welcome to Copnor Primary School From Mr Johnson
If you have a question that you cannot find the answer to on our website, please click the button below to visit our “contact us” page where you can find details of how to contact our administration department who will be only too pleased to assist you.
Click here to view our welcome pdf
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News Item 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vestibulum, lorem sed tempus aliquet, est lorem vehicula ligula, congue elementum quam dolor eu ante. Cras rutrum elit eget diam porttitor, porta venenatis libero condimentum. Integer ornare consectetur...
News Item 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vestibulum, lorem sed tempus aliquet, est lorem vehicula ligula, congue elementum quam dolor eu ante. Cras rutrum elit eget diam porttitor, porta venenatis libero condimentum. Integer ornare consectetur...
50 Things To do Before You're 5
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