We CARE • Curiosity – Aspiration – Respect – Enthusiasm
We CARE • Curiosity – Aspiration – Respect – Enthusiasm
Extra Curricular Sports Clubs
Sports clubs are run by staff and external coaching companies appointed by the PE Lead. Clubs change each term to ensure that a wide variety of sports and physical activity are available to all children throughout the year. We provide a mixture of free and chargeable extra-curricular sports clubs. The school will happily pay for those pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium (organised by the Family Support Worker). We ask children and parents to participate in surveys each year to identify the most popular clubs to ensure maximum engagement.
Clubs are communicated to parents and carers through our weekly bulletin and sports bulletin, which is sent out at the end of each term.
Intra-School Competitions
Each year we compete in a variety of sports tournaments and festivals, which are run by the OPEN and Wallingford Partnerships. This is an opportunity for children to experience competition and to apply their skills in a competitive situation. We offer all children the opportunity to participate these competitive and non competitive events. School teams are selected from our extra curricular sports clubs or, in some cases, by the class teachers to praise learning attitudes in class. Tournament and festival age criteria are determined by the partnership hosts and are overseen by the OPEN and WPS PE Lead Teachers to ensure there are events for all year groups.
From 2019, School Games Pathways have been introduced into the OPEN Academy events as well as WPS events. This means that our children have additional opportunities to compete and represent the school at a higher level.
Inter-School Competitions
As well as competing against our partnership schools, we hold a variety of ‘House Sports’ events. Every year, we hold a House Sports Day and have recently introduced House Rounders and House Multi-skills. We also hold class competitions in Ballroom and Latin Dance, which are always a popular event. These events are important for developing our five sporting values across the school as well as giving all children the opportunity to compete competitively against others.
Club Links
We further encourage children to enroll at one of the many local sports clubs and a list of clubs and contacts can be found below:
Cholsey Bluebirds FC Website
howardhawkins2@outlook.com – FS/Y1
tombarker123@hotmail.com – Y2
mjayc50@hotmail.com – Y3
dm@diondion.plus.com – Y4
mcalisp@ntlworld.com – Y5
dave.vans@virgin.net – Y6